Start Online equalization course

Do you have equalisation problems? 

Can’t you go deep than 10m?

Book a free online session with an Instructor to identify the problems and choose the course that best suits you needs.

The course will be taught by  Sergio Soria, Freediving instructor and expert in deep equalisation.

 Share Equalization course program

  • 2 Self study 4 lessons
  • 3 web in air

You will learn

  1. Introduction to equalisation
  2. Motor Skills
  3. How to compress the air
  4. Web in Air check
  5. Phonetics
  6. Web in Air check 
  7. Web in Air Frenzel

Price: 250€

The course includes

  • Training material available for 12 Months
  • 22 Exercises
  • Teaching material
  • A minimum of 3 Web in air
  • The course is intended for a group of 4 people accompanied by the instructor , but will be also be activated if you are the only student.
  • Home assignments
  • Personalised self-developmen plan
  • Final assignment for equalisation certification